Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
  • Benoit Combemale has been general chair for SLE 2017, the major international conference in the area of software language engineering.

  • Benoit Combemale has been main organizer of the Dagstuhl Seminar #17342 on “The Software Language Engineering Body of Knowledge” (SLEBoK).

  • Mathieu Acher has been program committee co-chair of SPLC 2017, the major international conference in the area of variability and software product line engineering.

Member of the Organizing Committees

Arnaud Blouin:

  • Publicity co-chair, EICS'17, 2017

Mathieu Acher:

  • Publicity chair, ICSR'18

  • Co-organizer of REVE'17 (international workshop on reverse engineering variability)

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees

Mathieu Acher:

  • PC member ICSR 2017

  • PC member VaMoS 2017

  • PC member SAC 2017

  • PC member SEAA 2017

  • PC member GramSec'17

Olivier Barais:

  • PC member SEAA 2017

  • PC member SAC 2017

  • PC member ICWE 2017

Benoit Baudry:

  • PC member ICSE 2017

  • PC member ASE 2017

Arnaud Blouin:

  • PC member of the ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) at MODELS 2017

Benoit Combemale:

  • PC member for MODELS’17

  • PC member for ICMT’17

  • PC member for the GEMOC’17 workshop at MODELS’17

  • PC member for the MDEbug’17 workshop at MODELS’17

  • PC member for the EXE’17 workshop at MODELS’17

  • PC member for the MiSE’17 workshop at ICSE’17

  • PC member for the MoMo’17 workshop at Modularity’17

Jean-Marc Jézéquel:

  • PC member ICSE 2017

  • PC member SPLC 2017 Vision track

  • PC member SEAMS 2017

Johann Bourcier:

  • PC member for the SEsCPS'17 workshop at ICSE'17


Arnaud Blouin was an external reviewer for ICSE 2017, EICS 2017, MODELS 2017, ICSA 2017, SEAMS 2017. Olivier Barais was a reviewer for ICSE 2017, Sosym 2017, JSS, JISA.

Johann Bourcier was a reviewer for ASE 2017, ICSE 2017 and Models 2017.


Member of the Editorial Boards

Benoit Baudry:


  • STVR

Benoit Combemale:

  • Springer Journal on Software and System Modeling (SoSYM),

  • Elsevier Journal on Computer Languages, Systems and Structures (COMLAN),

  • Elsevier Journal on Science of Computer Programming (SCP), Advisory Board member of the Software Section.

Jean-Marc Jézéquel is Associate Editor in Chief of the Journal of Software and Systems Modeling: SoSyM, and member of the Editorial Board of:

  • IEEE Computer

  • Journal of Systems and Software: JSS

  • Journal of Object Technology: JOT

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

Arnaud Blouin: JSS, Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information

Johann Bourcier was reviewer for the following magazine : IEEE Communication Magazine.

Invited Talks

Benoit Baudry:

  • Software technology and DevOps. Scientific days of Orange

  • Reconciling Diversity and Privacy at the Dagstuhl Seminar on Online Privacy and Web Transparency

  • Software diversification as an obfuscation technique, at the International Workshop on Obfuscation: Science, Technology, and Theory

Benoit Combemale:

  • From Model (driven) Engineering, to Language (driven) Engineering. Invited talk at CEA DAM, France.

  • Towards Language-Oriented Modeling. Invited talk at UQAM (Montreal, Canada).

  • Sound, yet Flexible, Modeling: A Language Engineering Point Of View. Keynote at FlexMDE'17.

  • Modeling For Sustainability – Or How to Make Smart CPS Smarter? Invited talk at CWI (Amsterdam, The Netherlands).

  • Model Simulation, Graphical Animation, and Omniscient Debugging with Sirius Animator. Invited talk at SiriusCon'17.

Leadership within the Scientific Community

Benoit Baudry:

  • Steering committee member for the ACM/IEEE MODELS conference

Benoit Combemale:

  • Steering committee member for the ACM SLE conference

  • Founding member and member of the advisory board of the GEMOC initiative.

Arnaud Blouin:

  • Founding member and member of the GL-IHM (software engineering and human-computer interaction) working group (action spécifique GDR-GPL 2017)

Scientific Expertise

Arnaud Blouin: external ANR (French national research agency) reviewer 2017 Olivier Barais: International collaborations foreign minister. Expert Olivier Barais: AutoActive proposal board of expert (Norvegian project) Olivier Barais: AutoActive proposal board of expert (Norvegian project)

Johann Bourcier : scientific reviewer for CIR (Credit Impot Recherche).

Research Administration

Benoit Baudry is in the scientific advisory board of the SVV lab, University of Luxembourg.

Jean-Marc Jézéquel is the Director of IRISA, a 800+ people joint labs of CNRS, ENS Rennes, INSA Rennes, Inria, Telecom Bretagne, CentraleSupelec, the University of Rennes 1 and the University of South Brittany. He is also the head of Research of the French CyberSecurity Excellence Cluster, as well as the EIT Digital Rennes Satellite Node Director.